Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) is provided by UNIVRS, Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) to determine the matters related to the handling of user information including personal information of the User in connection with VR game application “Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing” that is provided by the Company (including any update version of the application and the services associated with the application; hereinafter the “Company’s Application”). The terms used herein shall have the same meaning as the term used in the Company’s Terms of Use.
Article 1. User Information to Be Collected and Method of Collection
- The term “User Information” herein means the information related to the identification of the User, action history in communication service, and other information generated or accumulated in connection with the User or the User’s terminal that are collected by the Company in accordance with the Policy.
The User Information collected by the Company through the Company’s Application shall be as follows:
- Name of the User; and
- Status of use of the Company’s Application.
Article 2. Purpose of Use
The detailed purpose of use of the User Information in connection with the provision of services of the Company’s Application shall be as follows:
- Provision of services of the Company’s Application;
- Succession of the status of use of the Company’s Application;
- Measurement, investigation and analysis of the status of use of the Company’s Application and the results of implementation of various measures;
- Improvement of the Company’s Application and response to faults;
- Correction of a breach of the Terms of Use; and
- Response to inquiries (including identity verification).
Article 3. Provision to Third Parties
The Company shall not, without the prior consent of the User, provide personal information among the User Information to any third party (including third parties outside Japan); provided, however, that it shall not apply when personal information is provided to a third party (including third parties outside Japan) in the following cases where it is necessary to do so:
- Where all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted by the Company to the extent necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use;
- Where personal information is provided due to business transfer conducted based on a merger or for other reasons;
- Where personal information is provided to affiliated companies or the provider of information collection module in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article;
- Where the Company is required to cooperate for the execution of affairs prescribed by laws and regulations by state organs, local public bodies, or persons entrusted by them and the acquisition of consent from the User is likely to interfere with the execution of such affairs; and
- Where it is approved under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter the “Personal Information Protection Act”) and other laws and regulations.
Article 4. Disclosure of Personal Information
When the Company is requested by the User to disclose personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company shall disclose it to the User (or notify the User of the non-existence of such personal information) without delay after confirming that the request is made by the User himself/herself; provided, however, that it shall not apply if the Company is not obliged to disclose information under the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations. Please understand in advance that the disclosure of personal information requires the payment of a fee (1,000 yen per case).
Article 5. Correction and Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information
- If the Company is requested by the User (i) to correct the content of personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the ground that such personal information is untrue or (ii) to suspend the use of personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the ground that the information is used beyond the scope of the purpose of use announced in advance or was collected by fraudulent means or other unjust means, the Company shall conduct necessary investigation without delay after confirming that the request is made by the User himself/herself, and correct the content of personal information or suspend the use of personal information based on the result of investigation and notify the User to that effect. If the Company decides not to correct the personal information or suspend the use of personal information, the Company shall notify the User to that effect.
- If the Company is requested by the User to delete the User’s personal information, the Company shall delete the personal information after confirming that the request is made by the User himself/herself, and notify the User to that effect.
- If the Company is not obliged to perform correction, etc. or suspension of use, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations, the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply.
Article 6. Contact for Inquiries
For any opinion, question, complaint, or inquiry about the handling of the User Information, please contact below:
Address: 2F., NS Building 26,
1-26-9 Nihonbashi Kakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014
Personal Information Handling Manager: Naoya Koji
Contact: 050-1764-9074
Article 7. Procedures for Amendment of the Privacy Policy
The Company may amend the Policy as needed; provided, however, that if the amendment of the Policy requires the consent of the User under laws and regulations, the amended Policy shall apply only to the Users who have consented to the amendment by the method prescribed by the Company. When amending the Policy, the Company shall announce it or notify the User by posting the date of enforcement of the amended Policy and the content of amendment on the Company’s website or by other appropriate means.
[Established on October 1, 2020.]
株式会社UNIVRS(以下「当社」といいます。)は、当社の提供するVRゲームアプリケーション「リトルウィッチアカデミアVR ほうき星に願いを」(当該アプリケーションのアップデート版、及びこれに付随するサービスを含み、以下「当社アプリ」といいます。)における、ユーザーについての個人情報を含む利用者情報の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(以下「本ポリシー」といいます。)を定めます。なお、本ポリシーの用語は、当社の利用規約に準拠します。
第1条 (収集する利用者情報及び収集方法)
- 本ポリシーにおいて、「利用者情報」とは、ユーザーの識別に係る情報、通信サービス上の行動履歴、その他ユーザー又はユーザーの端末に関連して生成又は蓄積された情報であって、本ポリシーに基づき当社が収集するものを意味するものとします。
- ユーザー名
- 当社アプリの利用状況
第2条 (利用目的)
- 当社アプリのサービス提供
- 当社アプリ利用状況の引き継ぎ
- 当社アプリの利用状況及び各種施策の実施結果の測定、調査、分析
- 当社アプリの改善、不具合対応
- 利用規約違反行為の是正
- お問い合わせ対応(本人確認を含みます。)
第3条 (第三者提供)
- 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合
- 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
- 前条の定めに従って、提携先又は情報収集モジュール提供者へ個人情報が提供される場合
- 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ユーザーの同意を得ることによって当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
- その他、個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)その他の法令で認められる場合
第4条 (個人情報の開示)
第5条 (個人情報の訂正及び利用停止等)
- 当社は、ユーザーから、(1)個人情報が真実でないという理由によって個人情報保護法の定めに基づきその内容の訂正を求められた場合、及び(2)あらかじめ公表された利用目的の範囲を超えて取扱われているという理由又は偽りその他不正の手段により収集されたものであるという理由により、個人情報保護法の定めに基づきその利用の停止を求められた場合には、ユーザーご本人からのご請求であることを確認の上で遅滞なく必要な調査を行い、その結果に基づき、個人情報の内容の訂正又は利用停止を行い、その旨をユーザーに通知します。なお、訂正又は利用停止を行わない旨の決定をしたときは、ユーザーに対しその旨を通知いたします。
- 当社は、ユーザーから、ユーザーの個人情報について消去を求められた場合、ユーザーご本人からのご請求であることを確認の上で、個人情報の消去を行い、その旨をユーザーに通知します。
- 個人情報保護法その他の法令により、当社が訂正等又は利用停止等の義務を負わない場合は、第1項及び第2項の規定は適用されません。
第6条 (お問い合わせ窓口)
NSビル26 2F
第7条 (プライバシーポリシーの変更手続)